Fertilizer management system

Action B1

Integrated control system for the management of organic and chemical fertilisers in agricultural soils (SCIGFASA)


The Integrated control system for the management of organic and chemical fertilisers in agricultural soils (SCIGFASA), aims to warn and inform the farmer or owner of the pasture on the level of saturation of organic nutrients in agricultural soils according to their soil characteristics, type of plot, location and type of uses, in order to optimize the subscriber according to the necessary requirements.


It is an instrument to dose and prevent the abuse in the fertilization of the land, both organic and chemical fertilisers. Together with the effect of reducing the load of soil fertiliser and reducing leachate to water bodies, it contributes to reducing greenhouse gas emissions (GGE) and reducing the carbon footprint of agricultural activity in the region.


This tool will be offered as a free service that can be extended to the rest of the farmers in the region.



  • All the previous agrarian information that was available for its integration into the system will be ordered as well as to establish the necessary models to feed it.
  • The data will be standardized, and a georeferencing system of analysis, a new data processing tool and an analytical data map model will be created.
  • A map of soils and capacities of retention and assimilation will be drawn up according to the type of crops, which will serve as a basis for the system.
  • The individualized alert systems will be established for the farmer, via SMS and e-mail on fertiliser type and fertilization.

As a support to this system, a guide of “Good Agricultural Practices” will be made for dissemination among farmers and ranchers; which will have a periodic update including new technologies and legislative amendments.


As a pilot action, as a result of the agreement with farmers, in the fields that show the yields and evolution of the harvests, and correlate with the previous fertiliser recommendations of SCIGFASA, the monitoring of 10 agricultural plots will be started up.


Integrated Control System for Fertiliser and Fertiliser Management in Agricultural Soils


Guide of good agricultural practices

Pilot plots 

  • The information regarding pastures and meadows allows visualizing a clear evolution of the indicators. In the case of rotation crop farms, it is necessary to wait until the end of a complete cycle to obtain conclusive results. The information related to pastures and meadows allows visualizing a clear evolution of the indicators. In the case of rotation crop farms, it is necessary to wait until the end of a complete cycle to obtain conclusive results.
  • It has been verified that in the pilot plots an important reduction has been achieved, both in the contribution of chemical and organic fertilisers, so that the reduction is around 30% in the farms that do not have crop rotation.
  • In plots with productive crops such as potato or cereal, where fertiliser from poultry is used, it has been reduced by almost half.
  • With regard to mineral fertiliser, it is not possible to provide information based on reliable data until the rotation cycle is completed and the initial crops are returned.
  • It is of special interest that in addition to the 10 plots selected to carry out the pilot experience, the system already has some 448 users, owners of a total of 2,438 farms covering an area of about 6,000 ha, most of which are destined for potato cultivation. These are around 80% of the farms destined to potato cultivation.
  • The results of this integrated control system to date are shown below:
  • Information on pastures and meadows allows a clear evolution of indicators to be visualised, but rotation farms do not.
  • In the pilot plots an important reduction has been achieved, both in the contribution of chemical and organic fertilizers, so that the reduction is around 30% in farms that do not have rotation crops.
  • In plots with productive crops such as potatoes or cereals, where manure from poultry is used, this has been reduced by almost half.
  • With regard to mineral fertiliser, information based on reliable data cannot be provided until the rotation cycle is completed and the initial crops are returned.
  • At the end of the project (30 June 2019), the evolution corresponding to each of the pilot farms will be established, evaluating the degree of effectiveness of the action.