Artificial Lagoons

Action B2

Development of a low-cost artificial lagoon system for slurry treatment

Partners Responsible for the action

The management of slurry is one of the fundamental tasks to be improved in livestock farms, to reduce their impact on the water quality of the Region.

It is proposed to develop an alternative solution of a demonstration nature: the treatment of wastewater from pig slury by means of artificial wetlands of macrophytes, as a natural form of purification, as well as its subsequent reuse as irrigation water.

The effectiveness of this system will be evaluated, as well as the appropriate cost-efficiency relation of its application, in this way the farmer will be able to assess if this type of technology can be adapted to his exploitation.


  • The execution of an intensive artificial wetland of macrophytes for the treatment of wastewater from porcine slurry has been projected.
  • Together with the anaerobic raft as an element of the system, which will allow the capture of emissions for possible subsequent uses such as biogas, the lagoon itself serves as an alternative that will reduce the greenhouse gas emission by storage of slurry as well as to prevent its spread to the environment as fertiliser in forages and pastures.


  • The current state of performance is as follows:
  • The constructive Project of the plant has been elaborated that will be established in the lands yielded by the Diputación de Ourense.
  • The farm of origin of the slurry has been identified.
  • The necessary authorizations are being processed for the construction of the lagoon and its subsequent activity.

Due to the delays generated in the processing of the authorisations for the construction of the plant and the consequent impossibility of complying with the deadlines established by the project for this action, it has been considered advisable to replace said construction with the preparation of a guide of alternatives for the selection of slurry treatment.
This guide aims to compile the research carried out by the partner ECOLAGUNAS on the correct treatment of slurry and the experiences gathered during the development of the Life Project, which helps farmers and ranchers to make decisions.